Monday, February 2, 2009

Greetings Fellow NCC Cartoonists!

Just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself here. My names is James Hungaski, and I have recently become a member of the National Cartoonist Society. I have been a humorous illustrator for a number of years, for both publication and advertising clients. I currently live in Anoka, MN with my wife Kelly, newborn son, Lucas, and our dog Maxx.

I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the upcoming chapter meeting, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Meanwhile, please visit my blog, to view more of my work, in addition to my website, which is

Thanks to fellow members Tom Richmond and Ed Steckley, for helping me become a part of this great organization!


Tom R said...

Welcome, Jim!

jimbodraw said...

Thanks Tom!

Cedricstudio said...

Welcome to the club! Looking forward to meeting you in Lincoln.

Bucky Jones said...

Jim, welcome to the NCS and the North Central Chapter! Hope to see you in Lincoln in a few weeks! Take care.

jimbodraw said...

Cedric, Bucky - thanks! Look forward to meeting you both as well!

Dave said...

Yes-welcome aboard! Looking forward to meet'n ya @ the meet'n.

Mike Edholm said...

Welcome Jim. Once you [survive] our little initiation process, you'll come to love this bunch of fun-loving characters. And don't be afraid of the initiation — Oh, I'm sure you've heard a few off-the-cuff comments but its all a lot of kidding around. Remember the initiation of new members to the Omega frat from ANIMAL HOUSE? It's somewhere between that and water boarding.
Hey, can't wait to meet you in Lincoln. Bring a lot of cash... you're buying. More initiation BS.

jimbodraw said...

Dave, Mike – can’t wait to meet you both!! May have to draw for dollars at the bar, to pay for all those drinks!!

Mike Edholm said...

We all do. Just remember to sharpen that pencil. HA!