More tid-bits about the upcoming Fall Chapter Meeting...
As you know, our featured guest speaker will be none other than
Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine). Stephan's talk is scheduled for
Friday, Oct 14 at 7:00 pm. (If you miss it you'll only get to hear about it.)
We will be having dinner one night at
O'Gara's in St. Paul. If you aren't familiar, Charles Schulz's parents had an apartment above O'Gara's and that's where Sparky grew up. (Probably listening to Twins games and eating PEANUTS... sorry, I had to do that.)
There is the
Minn-Con and we'll have a booth. If we get enough people to participate and you want to bring your books, posters, t-shirts, whatever you have of your product (cartoon) to sell, you might check with Tom Richmond about space. That'll be on Saturday from 10:00 am 'til 6:00 pm.
More details will be posted as they are nailed down. But mark your calendars now, gang.
This'll be a GOOD ONE!— ME
PS - We'll have hotel info as soon as its available.